This article will share what are Sitz Bath good for and everything else you should know about Sitz Bath like its side effects, how to take it with a Kit or bathtub, how long, etc.
A sitz bath is a warm, shallow bath that is used to wash your perineum which is the space between the rectum and the vulva or scrotum. You may either take a sitz bath in your bathtub or purchase a reusable or disposable sitz bath kit that sits within your toilet bowl (with the lid up or down, depending on the type) to gently wash this region.
A small basin in which to sit is usually included in the bath set. Some kits come with a bag that can be filled with warm water and used to fill the basin. Others have a pitcher to fill with water. Most have a mechanism that allows you to wash your damaged region in fresh, clean water.
Also read:- Shrink your prostate with Sitz Bath in a matter of seconds
What Are Sitz Bath Good For?
A sitz bath can be used to reduce pain caused by a variety of common medical diseases and treatments. Warm water stimulates blood flow to the perineum, promoting speedier recovery.
Sitz bath for postpartum recovery
You may suffer discomfort and swelling in your perineum after delivery (postpartum). This can happen with either a vaginal or a C-section birth. Sitz baths can help alleviate pain and edema while also promoting healing in the affected region.
Sitz bath for anal fissures
An anal fissure is a tear in the anus or anal canal’s lining. The anal fissure causes muscular spasms, which produce the pain you feel before or soon after pooping (a bowel movement). Sitz baths can relax those muscles, allowing the anal fissure to heal over time.
Sitz bath for Bartholin cysts
A Bartholin cyst is a kind of cyst that can occur on your labia near your vaginal entrance. It might happen when one of your Bartholin glands, which generate fluid that helps lubricate your vagina, becomes blocked. A sitz bath may aid in the spontaneous rupture and drainage of a Bartholin cyst.
Sitz bath for hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are bulging veins that are seen in the lower rectum and anus. They can happen for a variety of causes, including constipation, pregnancy, and delivery. Sitz baths can assist with hemorrhoid discomfort and swelling. If you’ve just had hemorrhoids removed, sitz baths can also assist with any post-surgery discomfort.
A sitz bath can also help relieve symptoms or promote healing in people with other health conditions, including:
- Perianal abscesses.
- Anal fistulas.
- Recent anal, vaginal, or vulvar surgery.
- Anal diseases.
You may also choose to use a sitz bath to help keep your perineal area clean or to relieve discomfort during bowel movements.
How Long You Should Take a Sitz Bath?

You can use a sitz bath for 15 to 20 minutes to calm and mend an injured or sore region. When you’re finished, flush the water away. After that, gently pat the area dry—do not massage it too hard or you will aggravate the damage.
How Often Should I Take a Sitz Bath?

We suggest doing a sitz bath once a day as it is enough to keep your perineum which is the space between the rectum and the vulva or scrotum clean.
How to Use A Sitz Bath Kit?

A sitz bath kit made of plastic fits over the toilet. Cleaning instructions and solutions are included in many packages. If your package does not include them, properly clean and rinses all items before use.
Once clean, combine any drugs or solutions prescribed by your doctor with warm water. Avoid using water that is hot enough to burn your skin.
Step 1 – Insert the sitz bath into an open toilet.
Step 2 – Try moving it from side to side to check it stays in place and does not shift.
Step 3 – Pour warm water into the tub before sitting, or use the plastic bag and tubing to fill the tub after you’ve seated. The water should be deep enough to reach your perineum.
Step 4 – Allow 15 to 20 minutes to soak. As the initial water cools, you can add warm water to the plastic bag. A vent in most sitz baths keeps water from spilling. Water conveniently spills into the toilet and is flushable.
Step 5 – Stand up and pat the area dry with a clean cotton towel when you’re finished. When doing this, avoid rubbing or scraping the area.
Step 6 – Prepare the sitz bath for its next usage by properly cleaning it.
How to Do a Sitz Bath in Bathtub?

The first step in taking a sitz bath in the bathtub is to clean it. Combine 2 teaspoons bleach and 1/2 gallon water. Scrub and thoroughly rinse the bathtub.
Step 1 – 3 to 4 inches of water should be in the tub. The water should be warm but not so hot that it burns or causes pain. Place a drop or two of water on your wrist to measure the temperature. When you’ve established a comfortable temperature, add any chemicals prescribed by your doctor to the bath.
Step 2 – Soak your perineum in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes. Bend your knees or, if feasible, hang your legs over the tub’s sides to keep them out of the water.
Step 3 – When you get out of the tub, pat yourself dry gently with a clean cotton towel. Rubbing or scrubbing the perineum may produce discomfort and inflammation.
Step 4 – Finish by rinsing the bathtub thoroughly.
Sitz Bath Side Effects

Because it is a non-invasive treatment, a sitz bath has the extremely minimal danger of injury. The most prevalent adverse event related to sitz baths is perineum infection, which happens seldom. This can happen if you’re caring for a surgical incision and don’t adequately clean the tub or plastic bath. Never let anyone else use your sitz bath. Everyone should have their own.
If the pain or itching intensifies, or if your perineum gets red and swollen, discontinue utilizing sitz baths and consult your doctor.
If sitz baths provide relief, your doctor will most likely advise you to take three or four per day until the source of the itching, irritation, or discomfort is resolved. Unless your doctor instructs you differently, you may resume regular activities immediately following a sitz bath.
Can You Get a UTI From Sitz Bath?
Taking a Sitz Bath won’t cause UTIs but if you are someone who already has UTI then taking a Sitz Bath can cause more harm and make your symptoms worse.
Is It Okay To Pee In a Sitz Bath?
No, it is not okay to pee in a Sitz Bath. This is because pee can cause skin damage if the skin into contact for prolonged periods. Additionally, the primary motive to do Sitz Bath is to clean. Urine has Ammonia in it which can cause burns and redness as extreme as sunburn.
Do Sitz Baths Come in Different Sizes?
Yes, Sitz Baths come in different sizes. Before buying them do look for a suitable size.
Which Salt To Add To a Sitz Bath?
A Sitz bath can be taken without any additives to it but if you add bath salts to it then it can offer soothing benefits. For your sitz bath, you can pick between two different kinds of bath salts: Epsom salt (also known as magnesium sulphate), and sea salts.