Unlock Your Glutes Review 2023

2023 Unlock Your Glutes Review – Is It a Scam?

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In this 2023 Unlock Your Glutes review created after exhaustive research on the program we have shared the below-mentioned details:

Unlock Your Glutes 2023 Review Overview

Product TypeOnline Program
Official Websitewww.unlockmyglutes.com
Creator of the ProgramBrian Klepacki MS, CSCS
Guaranteed ResultsYes or Refund Within 60 Days
Average Rating4.87/5.0
Price$17 (For Limited Time)

What is Unlock Your Glutes Program?

As the name of the program suggests Unlock You Glutes is an online program consisting glute targeted movements that activate all three glute muscles – Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, and Gluteus Minimus which play an important role in stabilizing, supporting, and mobilizing the legs, hips, and lower half of the body.

The program is created by Brian Klepacki a USA Triathlon Certified Coach, more about him is below.

The program helps its users get a stronger, rounder, more developed butt with a simple and quick 15-minute workout routine that needs to be done only twice a week.

Who Created Unlock Your Glutes Program?

Unlock your glutes program is created by Brian Klepacki MS, CSCS. Coach Brian is a USA Triathlon Certified Coach, strength coach, and movement expert who has a Masters’s Degree in Exercise Science.

Coach Brian created this program after spending years working with many pro athletes. His objective to create this program is to help people get strong and round butts with the help of his glute specific movements can be done by anyone in just 15 minutes.

How Does Unlock Your Glutes Work?

According to Brian Klepacki, the reason why people are not able to grow a stronger butt is because of the three most common yet ignored glute training mistakes. These three mistakes are the following:

  1. The Squat Myth

As per coach Brian, in order to get a stronger butt one needs to train all three glute muscles which require vertical, horizontal, and rotational movements. Whereas squat is just a vertical movement which means and can’t help grow a completely stronger butt.

Solution:- The Unlock Your Glutes program helps deal with this problem by offering glute-specific exercises which work on all three motions – vertical, rotational, and horizontal to help you get a stronger butt.

2. Extra Long Gym Workouts Are Required to Grow a Butt

Another misconception that people mostly have is that they need to spend long working hours like 2-3 hrs in order to grow their butt.

Solution:- According to Coach Brian, it is not about the duration of the workout but how targeted it is. As Unlock you glutes program has only glutes-targeted movements that work on all three muscles of the glutes even 15 minutes are enough. Moreover, all the exercises in the program can also be done at home.

3. Sleeping Glutes

According to studies, long sitting hours cause the glutes to get numb and weak. Over time the glutes not only become weaker but also get permanently numb which is also called Dead Butt Syndrome. This numbness then prevents the glutes to activate and perform their 100% which is why even after working on the right muscles you may not grow your butt. Moreover, weak glutes have many consequences like Knee pain, back pain, etc.

Solution:- To deal with this, Brian has made sure that the program ensures the activation of the numb glutes first so that the users of the program can get the most out of their workouts.

Unlock Your Glutes Pros and Cons

During our exhaustive research into the program and its customer reviews, we found the following pros and cons.

Unlock Your Glutes Pros

Created By An Expert – Unlike many other programs, Unlock Your Glutes is created by Brian Klepacki who is a USA Triathlon Certified Coach, and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist with a Masters Degree in Exercise Science.

Guaranteed Results – Since the creator of the program wanted as many people as possible to benefit from the program Brian offers a 60-day 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. This means that if for any reason you are not satisfied with the results then you can ask for a refund.

Saves Time & Money- The program comes with a 15-minute workout regimen that can easily be done even from home. Which also saves your gym membership fee.

Holistic Growth – All the workouts in the program promote holistic glute growth as it works on vertical, horizontal, and even rotational movements which help grow all three glute muscles Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius, and Gluteus Minimus.

Free Bonuses – The program also comes with 2 free bonuses. The first Bonus is the Strong Legs Workout worth $47 where you get follow-along leg exercises that can be done at home and gym too. Another free bonus is a 14-Day Rapid Fat Loss Plan which helps you lose that extra fat and take all the guesswork away and achieve rapid fat loss.

Unlock Your Glutes Cons

  1. Only Available on the Official Website – The program is only available on its official website which means that in order to buy the program you need to visit the official website.
  2. Usage – If you are someone who has had a hip injury before then you should first consult with your physician.

Unlock Your Glutes Program Cost

Unlock your glutes program if bought today will cost you $17.

Unlock Your Glutes review


Is Unlock Your Glutes Program a Scam?

Absolutely no, as the program is not only created by an expert who has over 16 years of experience but also comes with a no questions asked 100% Guaranteed refund for 60 days and also has a lot of positive reviews. Which can be checked here.

What If It Doesn’t Work For Me?

Although the program has worked very well for many people out there it should work for you too. However, exceptions are always there and just in case you find the results to be not satisfactory then the 60-day refund policy will come in handy.

What if I have Never Done any Exercises?

All the exercises in the program are beginner friendly and need to be done only twice a week for 15 minutes.

Do I Need any Gym Equipment?

No, as the program is based on bodyweight movements you can easily do all the exercises without any gym equipment even at home.

What’s the Format of the Program?

The Program is available in digital format which means that once you make the payment you get instant access to the program.

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