This article explains how leptin resistance makes it harder for people to lose weight and also how you can reverse it to lose excess fat quickly.
Many people think that calories and willpower are the only factors that affect weight gain and loss. Modern obesity research, however, is in disagreement. More and more researchers believe that the hormone leptin is at work.
It is now thought that leptin resistance, which occurs when your body does not respond to this hormone, is the primary factor for fat growth in humans.
Everything you need to know about leptin and how it contributes to obesity is covered in this article.
Leptin And Obesity

The hormone leptin is created by the fat cells in your body. It is often referred to as the “satiety hormone” or the “starvation hormone.”
When you have adequate fat stored, leptin is supposed to signal to your brain that you don’t need to eat and can burn calories normally. There are numerous additional roles it plays in regards to immunity, cognitive function, and fertility.
Leptin’s primary function, however, is the long-term regulation of energy, which includes controlling how many calories you consume and burn as well as how much fat is stored in your body.
High levels of leptin tell your brain that you have plenty of fat stored, while low levels tell your brain that fat stores are low and that you need to eat.
The leptin system was developed to prevent humans from overeating or starving, which would have reduced their chances of surviving in the wild. However, there is a problem with this system which is why some people find it very hard to manage healthy body weight.
Check out this all-natural guaranteed way to reverse Leptin Resistance and lose weight quickly
What is Leptin Resistance?
Obese people have a lot of body fat stored in their fat cells. Due to the fact that fat cells produce leptin proportionally to their size, obese individuals also have extremely high amounts of leptin.
Given how leptin is thought to function, many obese persons should naturally reduce their food intake. In other words, their brains need to be aware of their ample energy reserves.
Their leptin signaling may, however, be ineffective. Leptin may be present in large amounts, but the brain cannot detect it.
Leptin resistance, as it is now named, is thought to be one of the primary biochemical causes of obesity.
When your brain doesn’t receive the leptin signal, it erroneously thinks that your body is starving — even though it has more than enough energy stored.
This makes your brain change its behavior in order to regain body fat. Your brain then encourages eating more to prevent starvation and reduces energy expenditure in an effort to conserve energy. (Sources – 1, 2 & 3)
Therefore, eating more and moving less is not the primary factor in weight increase; rather, leptin resistance, a hormonal abnormality, maybe a contributing factor. It’s nearly impossible for most people with leptin resistance to force their bodies to ignore the starving signal caused by leptin.
How to Reverse Leptin Resistance?
Looking in the mirror is the most effective technique to determine if you are leptin resistant.
You are nearly probably leptin resistant if you have a lot of body fat, especially around your belly.
Leptin resistance may be reversed, according to some experts, if diet-induced inflammation is reduced. Focusing on living a generally healthy lifestyle is also probably a good plan of action.
There are several things you can do:
Exercise: Physical activity may help reverse leptin resistance
Sleep: Poor sleep is implicated in problems with leptin
Avoid processed food: Highly processed foods may compromise the integrity of your gut and drive inflammation
Eat soluble fiber: Eating soluble fiber can help improve your gut health and may protect against obesity
Lower your triglycerides: Having high triglycerides can prevent the transport of leptin from your blood to your brain. The best way to lower triglycerides is to reduce your carb intake
Eat protein: Eating plenty of protein can cause automatic weight loss,
which may result from an improvement in leptin sensitivity.
Check out this all-natural guaranteed way to reverse Leptin Resistance and lose weight quickly
The Conclusion
One of the main causes of weight gain and the difficulty in losing it may be leptin resistance.
Thus, greed, indifference, or a lack of willpower are rarely the root causes of fat.
Instead, powerful physiological and social processes are also at work. Particularly the Western diet might be a major contributor to obesity.
There are various actions you may take to lead a healthier lifestyle if you’re worried that your resistance to leptin may be present. This could help you overcome or reverse your resistance.