What goes around comes around. Recently, the news of a Teen being shot dead in Palmade this week proves the saying right.
This Los Angeles-area teenager who was shot dead turned out to be the one who ran over a mother walking her child in a stroller in Venice in 2021. Still, he only got a few months of punishment.
The teen’s name was Kristopher Baca. He was 17. As per the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. Kristopher was found shot on a Wednesday in the 38600 block of 11th street.
Baca’s death was confirmed this Friday by the medical examiner. Until now it is not confirmed that this was a hit-and-run case and they have no suspects.
As per the latest updates, while walking home alone, a car pulled up and after an argument, he was shot.
The mother who lost her child due to Baca said that “The universe delivered the justice we weren’t given in court, but a much harsher punishment than he’d have been dealt in a court of law,”