In this post, we will discuss the best and worst hangover foods to consider, but first, let us understand hangovers. Hangovers are the unpleasant physiological and psychological symptoms that occur after consuming moderate to large amounts of alcohol. It usually appears roughly 10 hours after your blood alcohol level rises, but this varies according to gender, weight, and genetic disposition.
There has been little research on hangovers, and the specific processes that cause them are unknown. During a hangover, the body undergoes many hormonal and immunological reactions that cause various symptoms. While there is no proven treatment for hangovers, certain foods and beverages may help to ease symptoms.
Here is the list of some best hangover foods:
1. Eggs

Eggs are high in cysteine, an amino acid used by your body to make the antioxidant glutathione.
Drinking alcohol depletes the body’s glutathione reserves. Without it, your body finds it difficult to break down the damaging remnants of alcohol metabolism (Source).
Consuming cysteine-rich eggs is an excellent approach to boost glutathione levels in the body and maybe alleviate hangover symptoms.
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2. Whole grain toast with honey

According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, this easy-to-eat combination has the salt, potassium, and fructose required to recover from a hangover.
Because fructose digests at the same pace as alcohol, a teaspoon or two will hasten your recovery. According to one Delta State University research, honey can speed up alcohol excretion by up to 32%.
3. Banana

Alcohol inhibits the synthesis of a hormone that helps your body retain water, resulting in dehydration and electrolyte loss such as potassium and sodium (Source).
Bananas are high in potassium and can help restore your body’s reserves. One medium banana provides 12% of the daily value (DV) for this vitamin.
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4. Salmon

Low B6 and B12 vitamin levels are thought to aggravate hangovers. Salmon is high in both B vitamins and might help you go back to a healthy weight. It may sound strange, but including this fish in your diet the day after drinking might help you feel better, especially because salmon is known to reduce inflammation.
5. Orange juice

Because of its high vitamin C concentration, orange juice – especially freshly squeezed – is a popular hangover remedy. ‘It’s one of the greatest rehydration methods since oranges contain immune-boosting vitamins A, B, and C.
However, orange juice can irritate the lining of a delicate stomach, so drink it with food or dilute it with water if you’re feeling under the weather.
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6. Watermelon

Because a hangover headache is generally caused by dehydration and reduced blood supply to the brain, eating watermelon may assist.
Watermelon contains L-citrulline, a vitamin that has been shown to enhance blood flow (Source). Furthermore, its high water content might aid in rehydration.
7. Asparagus
Asparagus may seem like an odd hero, but it’s the hangover cure meal you’ve been looking for. In a test tube research conducted in Korea, asparagus extracts more than quadrupled the efficacy of alcohol-degrading enzymes while also protecting liver cells from harm.
Worst Hangover Foods
1. Coffee

Nope. I’m not going to drink a cup of coffee. In fact, avoid any caffeine-containing beverages, since they may aggravate hangover symptoms and potentially worsen signs of mental illnesses such as anxiety, sadness, and mood disorders.
2. Energy Drinks

“High energy beverages are high in caffeine and other trash,” Ross explains. “If you have a hangover, you should stay hydrated with clean water, electrolyte drinks, or coconut water, rather than items that dehydrate you and make you twitchy.”
3. Greasy Food

Contrary to common belief, going to the neighborhood takeout is not a good idea. Because fried meals can irritate the stomach, a large, fatty lunch is better at avoiding a hangover than healing one. However, eating a large burger before the alcohol begins to flow can help insulate the stomach, preventing alcohol from being absorbed into the stomach lining and circulation.
4. Don’t overdo it with the protein.

Be mindful of your meal’s protein-to-carbohydrate ratio. “Your blood sugar may be low due to excessive alcohol consumption, so make sure your meal includes a good balance of carbs and protein to keep it constant.”
Right now, oatmeal, congee, and other easy-to-digest, unprocessed carb-centric meals are your best friends. Tager suggests combining a lean protein like chicken or turkey with complex carbohydrates like sweet potato, quinoa, or brown rice for a heartier dinner.
5. More Alcohol

Definitely, don’t drink more as it will only do more harm than good. Some people think that drinking will help cure hangovers. Nutritionists and physicians agree that while drinking may momentarily ease symptoms, it will leave you feeling worse than if you just rehydrated and stayed healthy for at least a day.