Benefits of dragon fruit

Benefits of Dragon Fruit For Health

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In this article, we will look at Dragon fruit which is also known as pitaya or strawberry pear, and also the benefits of dragon fruit on your health.

A delicious tropical fruit, dragon fruit is also known as pitaya or strawberry pear. It is renowned for having delicious, juicy centers and vivid red, yellow, or pink skin. People enjoy dragon fruit because it is tasty, nourishing, and adaptable. All around the United States, supermarket stores sell it fresh or frozen.

The fruit looks like a bright pink or yellow bulb from the exterior, with spike-like green leaves surrounding it that rise up like flames. When you cut it open, you’ll discover spongy white material within that is edible and flecked with black seeds.

Dragon Fruit Nutritional Benefits

In one 6-ounce serving of dragon fruit cubes, you’ll get:

  • Calories: 102
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 22 grams
  • Fiber: 5 grams
  • Sugars: 13 grams

You’ll also get these vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A: 100 international units (IU)
  • Vitamin C: 4 milligrams
  • Calcium: 31 milligrams
  • Iron: 0.1 milligram
  • Magnesium: 68 milligrams

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

1. Helpful To Fight Chronic Disease

Inflammation and sickness may result from free radicals, which are unstable chemicals that harm cells.

One of the benefits of dragon fruit is that it is high in antioxidants, and can help combat inflammation.

Antioxidants stop cell damage and inflammation by neutralizing free radicals.

Antioxidant-rich diets may help prevent chronic illnesses like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and arthritis, according to studies.

Dragon fruit contains several types of potent antioxidants, including 

  • Vitamin C: Observational studies have found correlations between vitamin C intake and cancer risk. For example, a study of 120,852 people associated higher intakes of vitamin C with lower rates of head and neck cancer(Source).
  • Carotenoids: Beta-carotene and lycopene are the plant pigments that give dragon fruit its vibrant color. Diets rich in carotenoids have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease(Source)
  • Betalains: Test-tube studies indicate betalains can combat oxidative stress and may have the ability to suppress cancer cells(Source).

Importantly, antioxidants function best when consumed organically in food rather than as a supplement or in pill form. Antioxidant supplements may really have negative consequences, thus it is not advised to use them unsupervised.

On the other hand, dragon fruit is highly recommended.

2. Promotes a Healthy Gut

Around 100 trillion different microorganisms, including more than 400 types of bacteria, live in your gut.

Many researchers believe this community of microorganisms may impact your health. Both human and animal studies have associated imbalances in your gut with conditions like asthma and heart disease.

Given that dragon fruit contains prebiotics, one of the benefits of dragon fruit is its potential to improve the balance of good bacteria in your gut(Source).

Prebiotics are a specific type of fiber that promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Like all fibers, your gut cannot break them down. However, the bacteria in your gut can digest them. They use the fiber as fuel for growth, and you reap the benefits.

Dragon fruit specifically encourages the development of two kinds of beneficial bacteria: lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria. Consuming prebiotics on a regular basis may lower your risk of diarrhea and digestive system infections. This is because prebiotics encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, which experts think may displace undesirable ones.

For example, a study on travelers showed that those who consumed prebiotics before and during travel experienced fewer and less severe episodes of traveler’s diarrhea.

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3. Helps boost Immunity

This fruit has significant levels of vitamin C, which strengthens your defenses and keeps you healthy. More vitamin C enables your body to combat potentially fatal illnesses that you may be susceptible to. To maintain your health, all you have to do is eat 1 cup (200 grams) of this fruit each day.

4. Includes Fatty Acids 

According to a 2018 study, dragon fruit is a decent source of fatty acids like omega-3 fatty acids. Research suggests these acids may reduce your risk of:

  • heart disease
  • inflammatory conditions
  • age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
  • certain types of cancer (including breast and colorectal cancer)

There’s also a chance that getting enough omega-3 fatty acids can benefit your mental health. A 2016 review of clinical studies found that fish oil supplements helped improve symptoms of depression.

5. Improve Iron Levels

Unlike most fresh fruits, dragon fruit contains a decent amount of iron. That’s great news since an estimated 10 million folks in the U.S. are iron-deficient. Iron plays a major role in oxygen transportation in your body and also helps turn food into energy.

If left unchecked, iron deficiency can lead to anemia. Here are some symptoms to watch out for:

Bonus: Dragon fruit’s vitamin C content can help you absorb iron more efficiently.

6. Good Source of Magnesium

With 18% of your RDI in just one cup, dragon fruit provides more magnesium than most other fruits. Your body typically contains 24g, or about one ounce, of magnesium. 

Despite this allegedly negligible amount, the mineral is found in all of your cells and is involved in over 600 crucial chemical processes that occur throughout your body. 

For instance, it participates in the processes necessary for the conversion of food into energy, the contraction of muscles, the construction of bones, and even the synthesis of DNA. 

Although further research is required, some findings suggest that increased magnesium consumption may lower the risk of heart disease and stroke. Additionally, studies demonstrate that diets rich in magnesium promote bone health.

The Bottom Line

A delightful tropical fruit that is absolutely worth trying is dragon fruit.

In a low-calorie portion, it tastes fantastic, adds color to your meal, and provides necessary nutrients, prebiotic fibers, and advantageous plant components.

Dragon fruit is a tasty choice with several possible health advantages if you’re trying to diversify your fruit intake.

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