This article will include a list of the 9 best foods for the heart and arteries to keep you moving and stay healthy.
Heart disease is the top cause of death in the United States for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups. In the United States, one person dies from cardiovascular disease every 36 seconds. From 2016 to 2017, the United States spent over $363 billion on heart disease. This covers the expense of healthcare services, medications, and lost productivity as a result of mortality. (Source)
Diet is important to keep your heart and arteries healthy. Certain meals, in fact, can alter blood pressure, triglyceride levels, cholesterol levels, and inflammation, all of which are risk factors for heart disease. Here are the best foods for your heart and arteries health.
1. Chia seeds and flaxseeds

When it comes to keeping the heart and arteries healthy then Omega-3 is a must. These seeds are a good plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids like alpha-linolenic acid. Omega-3 fatty acids offer several health benefits, including lowering triglyceride, LDL, and total cholesterol levels. They also lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of fatty plaques in the arteries. Omega-3 fatty acids decrease the risk of illnesses that can lead to a heart attack, such as thrombosis and arrhythmias, is reduced. Hence, this food should be in your diet to keep your heart and arteries healthy. So, this food becomes one of the best foods for your heart and arteries.
2. Garlic

In recent years, research has confirmed that garlic can even help improve heart health.
This is due to the presence of a molecule known as allicin, which is thought to have a wide range of medicinal benefits. In one trial, consuming 600-1,500 mg of garlic extract daily for 24 weeks was as beneficial as a typical prescription medicine at lowering blood pressure.
According to one analysis, garlic can lower total cholesterol by an average of 17 mg/dL and LDL (bad) cholesterol by 9 mg/dL in people with high cholesterol. Other research has revealed that garlic extract can decrease platelet formation, potentially lowering the risk of blood clots and stroke. Don’t forget this food to maintain the health of your heart and arteries.
Consume raw garlic, or smash it and set it aside for a few minutes before cooking. This permits allicin to develop, boosting its potential health advantages. Which eventually keeps your heart healthy.
Download this free step-by-step guide to controlling Cholesterol
3. Olive oil

Olive oil is a good source of fat that is created from crushed olives. It’s high in antioxidants that are good for your heart. They might shield your blood vessels. When olive oil is substituted for saturated fat (such as butter), it can help decrease cholesterol levels. Serve with salads, cooked vegetables, or toast. This will keep your heart and arteries healthy.
4. Salmon

Salmon is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which can lessen your risk of arrhythmias, lower triglyceride levels, delay plaque buildup in your arteries, and slightly lower blood pressure. Eventually, keeping the heart-healthy. The American Heart Association suggests eating two meals of omega-3-rich foods each week, such as salmon. A serving of cooked fish is 3.5 ounces. Thus, this is yet another best food for your heart and arteries.
Salmon is an adaptable food. Grill it with a rub or marinade, slice it and toss it with fat-free marinara sauce, or toss it into salads for a protein boost.
5. Red Wine

Red wine includes catechins, which are flavonoids, as well as the antioxidant resveratrol. Flavonoids can help keep your blood arteries healthy and may help avoid blood clots. Resveratrol has been proven in studies to have heart-protective properties.
Drink a glass of wine with dinner, or prepare a wine spritzer (wine mixed with sparkling water) to reduce calories while reaping many of the benefits.
However, keep in mind that the American Heart Association does not advocate that anyone begin drinking just to prevent heart disease. Drinking alcohol increases the chance of developing alcoholism and can result in high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, breast cancer, suicide, and vehicle accidents. Red wine should be used in moderation (for example, one wine glass with a full meal).
Also check how salt affects diabetics
6. Avocados

Are you already following a healthy diet? Make an avocado addition once a day. According to research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, substituting saturated fat with one nutrient-dense avocado per day can reduce blood pressure by up to 13.5 milligrams per deciliter. According to the researchers, this might be enough to keep some patients off blood pressure medications.
Avocados are high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which can reduce total cholesterol and “bad” cholesterol (LDL) while preserving “good” cholesterol (HDL). They can also aid with insulin regulation, which is highly beneficial for those who have prediabetes or Type 2 diabetes. Hence, this becomes one of the best foods for your heart and arteries.
7. Berries

When it comes to vascular health, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries carry a powerful punch. These highly colored fruits are high in polyphenol components including quercetin and anthocyanins, which have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Berry consumption has been related to benefits in LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and even blood sugar regulation, all of which help maintain arteries free and healthy, thanks to these chemicals (plus a great dose of fiber). (Source)
Berries are a particularly good choice for frequent intake when compared to other fruits like grapes, oranges, and apples (which are high in a type of sugar called fructose). They’re also low glycemic, which means they’re unlikely to boost blood sugar.
8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes, particularly cooked tomatoes and tomato sauce, are high in lycopene, a strong plant chemical that gives tomatoes their red color and has been linked to higher levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. People who ate a diet high in lycopene from tomato products were 17-26 percent less likely to develop heart disease in one research, and greater blood levels of lycopene were related to a decreased risk of stroke in another. Thus, make sure to add tomatoes to your diet which not only will add taste to your food but also be healthy for your heart and arteries.
Pro tip: Fat promotes lycopene absorption in the body, so drizzle some olive oil over your spaghetti sauce.
9. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate has a high concentration of polyphenol chemicals, notably cocoa flavanols, which have been found to lower blood pressure and increase blood flow (by increasing nitric oxide synthesis), reduce inflammation, and prevent blood clots. Some studies even suggest that cocoa flavanols help recruit our body’s own stem cells (specifically, endothelial progenitor cells) to help repair damaged blood vessels and grow new ones — which is critical for preventing and reversing the vascular damage that can clog arteries and lead to heart disease.
To keep blood sugar levels consistent, choose a low to no-sugar dark chocolate that is 70% cocoa or more (or use unsweetened cocoa powder in a smoothie) and try mixing it with some walnuts.
The relationship between a healthy diet, a healthy heart, and healthy arteries become stronger as new information emerges.
What you eat may have an impact on practically every element of heart health, from blood pressure and inflammation to cholesterol and triglycerides.
Included as part of a nutritious, well-balanced diet, these heart-healthy foods can help maintain your heart in excellent shape and reduce your risk of heart disease.